Another AICEM ESC comes to an end: for a volunteer, this can only mean a moment of reflection on the experience. And, of course, restitution and sharing!
Sure, it is not easy to encapsulate in a few lines months of activities, connections, acquisition of competences and skills. A European Solidarity Corps project it's so much more.
It can take a while to recollect all the thoughts, to go back in time 12 months and review, step by step, what happened.
It's an experience meant to make you grow, to learn and possibly to help you find your path in life, or experiment yourself in something you've always wanted. It's a year dedicated to volunteering and solidarity...
So let's see how was it for Cosimo, sent on this adventure by AICEM.
"When I was asked to write an article about my experience in ESFMB (Escola Sindical de Formació Melchor Botella) as a volunteer of the European Solidarity Corps, I thought of only one word: Love!
I know, now you're thinking that maybe I'm exaggerating and that these Italians are heplessly romantic people but for me it was just like that!
Unlike most volunteers who decide to undertake an experience abroad, I was already familiar with the Comunidad Valenciana because I had participated in 2018 in a European volunteer program (Universal Civil Service), having as my hosting the Consell Valencià de la Joventut. And it was precisely the love for the País Valencià that made me return once again.
During these 12 months in Valencia I have given my contribution in managing and taking care of the communication of the training school through the creation of videos, photo collages, graphic posts and all those contents considered indispensable in every company social account. I have seen the number of followers and visibility grow week after week, even at an international level. This work was essential to consolidate the relationship with international partners and to participate in all those study and work opportunities of the Erasmsus+ program. My curiosity has also allowed me to work in other areas such as logistics in events or the documentation archive. Finally, I realized one of my many "dreams": to become a filmmaker! In fact, during the national congress of the Intersindical Valenciana, I was entrusted with the task of following and managing the live streaming of the event.
The support of the team has been constant and has encouraged me to develop my creativity, give me confidence and put me on the line in all those tasks that I thought impossible, such as the design of the new website I can't help but thank the entire organization for giving me the opportunity to grow both professionally and personally.
By now I consider it my second family and I hope that my love story with Valencia can continue!"
