An immersive experience
Deciding to try a volunteer experience could be a first step in giving a break one’s dangerous e accommodating routine, as well as a gradual and enjoyable departure from one’s comfort zone.

A New Life
Moving away from one’s home, one’s roots for an extended period can prove difficult, just as a new beginning is difficult.
This is what happens to a newborn baby, who through a “troubled” beginning, faces life. And here it is that taking part in such a journey, carried out in a foreign country, means in some way facing a new life, opening up to the thousands of possibilities and opportunities it offers. A new life, the substance of which depends on us, on our person, on our way of seeing.
Think Globally
This kind of experience is definitely one of the ways to give and give ourselves a breakthrough, a means to let go of deleterious thoughts, prejudices, fears, to reshape ourselves, build ourselves up, move consciously as citizens of the world, adopt a new forma mentis that allows us to "think globally"
An 360 involvement

Hi people from around the world, here it’s Martina who wrtites to you. I’m from Sicily, in Palermo, and I’m twenty six years old. At this moment I’m a university student and, now, I’m also a volunteer of the European Solidarity Corps, in the sunny e colorful España. During these few days that marked my start in Valencia as a volunteer, what I learned was that such a path involves multiple levels in a person's life, proving to be one of the most immersive and totalizing experiences there is. The professional profile, for sure, with the acquisition of new skills, but above all the human and cultural profile. Nothing is more challenging than putting yourself on the line in a country that is not your own. While you realize the differences from your home reality, you also realize that, as obvious as it seems, in the end all human beings are the same, no matter where they come from. Nothing is more instructive than a journey. Your whole life, private and otherwise, gets involved.

Choosing to be a volunteer is perhaps one of the best ways to challenge yourself, to stretch your boundaries. I expect this experience to shape me and change me for the better. I place a lot of trust in it, approach it with an open mind and heart, at the cost of making mistakes, at the cost of looking like a fool while trying to speak in a language that is not my own. But that's how you become better, how you become inclusive to others.
That's how life begins to move..