So, I had my first experience helping with the coordination of the International Youth Exchange, and I have a lot to share with you, people.
Let’s begin with "who, where, why and what"!
WHO? Thirty-two participants, from five different countries: Sweden, Finland, Palestine, Georgia and Italy. People with different backgrounds and life stories but similar interests and desire to help their local communities.

WHERE? South of Italy. A wonderful place called Ricadi in the province of Vibo Valentia. Might not have the best public transportation connection with the rest of the world, but definitely worth the little struggle.

WHY? The project has been designed with the purpose to inspire and empower young people. To improve their creativity, help them discover their talents, think about and implement solutions to address societal needs and, in particular, the desire to live in more inclusive communities where everybody can have the same opportunities.

WHAT? Participants had workshops on Human Rights and combating stereotypes, Social Media, Photo and Video making, Sport and Inclusion, talked about their realities, learned about Youthpass and 8 Key Competences, designed their own activities and even implemented some of them.

I learned a lot during this experience from both participant and coordinator perspectives so here are some tips for you if you are considering taking part in a Youth Exchange make sure that you:
a) are not applying to every opportunity you see. Make sure that the topic of the project is related to your interests. You will need to talk about it a lot, so be ready;
b) buy your tickets as soon as possible. Of course, if you answer the urgent or final call it's not really possible but in other situations, try to have it at least a month before;
c) make sure to let organisers know about all your food preferences. It will make life much easier for both of you, trust me;
d) are ready to socialise and spend a lot of time with the same people for at least 6 to 7 days;
e) think about what you can bring to the table (literally and figuratively). The cultural night is all about sharing your national food, traditions, music and interesting facts;
f) are open to new experiences and people, and have fun.

Did We have fun? Oh, we absolutely did. Youth Exchange is your safe bubble to learn, brainstorm, share ideas and realities of your country, explore new cultures and make new friends.

Thank you to each and every one of these incredible people for sharing, learning and being open to new things.