It has been a long-time dream to go abroad for more than just 2 weeks, to immerse myself in another culture and environment fully.

I am a French teacher, and when I chose this profession and the studies that go around it, practising it abroad made the most sense to me. But, life comes in the way. During my studies, I invested myself in an association that had another aim than teaching a language. I invested myself in mental health, I took part in multiple projects where I could learn new competencies. I was part of teams, I took decisions that impacted a lot of people, led projects, met important figures, and did interviews. This experience made me realise that I could do other things than teaching and still be happy. All that I did during this experience brought me joy and fulfilment. I learned a lot about myself.

Then, when I finished my studies, I didn’t know what to do anymore. I knew that I didn’t want to travel all the time anymore, but missing this experience broke my heart. I’ve lost my motivation for multiple months. My anxiety reached a very high level, I felt like I was passing by opportunities and my life in general.
When I discover ESC, it felt right to me. My motivation came back and within a week I had applied for several offers. My first choice was Italy, no matter the place. You see, I have a complicated relationship with Italy. Once upon a time, I was Italian. But science and its DNA tests reveal that I had no Italian blood in my veins. However, Italy was with me all my life, and I loved it. It was with me, through my family, my school and myself. I always loved going there. Siena, Roma, Venezia, Bari… they were beautiful trips for me.
Therefore, when the AICEM organisation in Calabria accepted my application, it was a dream come true. I could have this foreign experience, be fully immersed in Italian culture, keep learning and put my experiences to work.
To have the chance to do this experience is also a relief. I feel like I’m useful again, that I’m doing something of my life, and that all the experiences I had to gain competencies are worth something.

It has been two months since I arrived in Brattirò, I have never felt this calm for over 2 years. I appreciate the calm and quiet beauty of its nature. I was surprised by the cold, I got the very wrong idea that because I was in the south of Italia it would be warmer than Paris, but I was highly mistaken. Regardless, I like the work and the people I work with. I am trying my very best to speak Italian. I got very lucky with my roommate who is another ESC volunteer. We have a lot of common interests, and we also complete each other in different tasks (she gets to cook, and I get to eat).

It is only the beginning but I’ve done so much. I feel useful. And I can’t wait to see what’s next! I’ll keep you in touch of course ;)